I love getting around to clubs to
talk about membership. But it’s a big conversation, with a huge range of sub
topics, and the typical 20 minutes afforded to guest speakers is rarely enough
to do it justice. But if there’s one common thread which has wound its way through
every membership presentation I have ever given, it’s the need for change.
At best, clubs might tinker
around the edges or fine tune their processes in order to bring about better
membership outcomes, but extraordinary change is, well, extraordinary.
And that word, “extraordinary” is
the first word that comes to mind when I think about the recent Council on
Legislation (CoL) change to our meeting frequency rules, which now allow clubs
to reduce meeting frequency to two meetings per month, should they choose to do
I have felt for a long time now,
that Rotary is way too “meeting centric”, and we need to focus less on meetings
and more on service. I actually feel that our obsession with meetings is the
single biggest issue we need to address, and while meetings remain at the
centre of our Rotary universe, we will continue to lose relevance, and we will
continue to lose members. The number one objection I hear, especially from potential
members under 50, is this: “I’m really keen to volunteer, I just don’t want to
attend meetings”.
When I heard that the CoL had
voted overwhelmingly to accept this proposal, you could have knocked me over
with a feather. I simply didn’t see it coming - ever. If we were to look at
this change from the perspective of a catalyst for positive membership
outcomes, I feel this is the biggest change since we opened up our doors to
women 26 years ago.
This is a gift horse from our CoL,
but while some Rotarians are saddling up, many will not even call the equine
orthodontist. Changing the rules and changing the landscape are two entirely
different things. Out there in club land, the prospect of dropping weekly meetings
has not unexpectedly elicited the full gamut of responses: from “we need to do
this straight away” to “over my dead body”.
I have prepared and delivered a presentation specifically on the options that meeting frequency flexibility can provide here, so I don’t want to go into it in great depth now, but I’ll give you the quick version.
By removing (up to) 2 meetings
per month from our Rotary calendar, we have an opportunity to schedule more
service projects, volunteering opportunities, social functions and training
events, thus showing Rotary in a different light and giving potential and
existing members more opportunities to serve, which in turn will increase our
capacity to make an impact in our community, and also considerably lighten the
cost burden on members.
But clubs will be disappointed if
they think that by simply changing from weekly to fortnightly meetings, there
will suddenly be a queue of potential members lining up at their door. The
challenge is to effectively take advantage of the time that this change can
free up. Rotarians can still participate in Rotary on a weekly basis without
attending a Rotary meeting on a weekly basis.
Since the rules changed I have been
offering this presentation to clubs who are keen to explore the options. I
always do my best not to push the concept down their throats, rather offer it
as something to think about, but at a recent visit, having sat through the
presentation, one of the members asked for a straw poll on moving the club in
question to fortnightly meetings. Bugger me, it was about 50/50. I didn’t see
that response coming at all.
But during question time after my
presentation, one of the club’s older members made the following comment, “I
feel that were we to head down this path, we would be losing some the essence
of Rotary.” It was said so politely, not with venom, but almost with melancholic
resignation. It’s a feeling I see etched across the faces of many of our older
members as I travel around to clubs to talk about our challenges. That feeling
that Rotary has already changed too much from the “good old days”.
As much as I bang on about the
urgent need to bring down our average age (which in Australia is 71), I have
enormous respect for the senior Rotarians of our clubs who have been around the
block many more times than me. They are the people who built our clubs and made
them what they are. They are the people we can always rely on to help,
especially when we need volunteers during business hours. They are the people
with immense Rotary knowledge that we can learn so much from. They are the
people who always ask about my family. They are the people who have been valued
mentors of mine. But sadly, they are not the people who can remain the backbone
of our organisation forever.
I’ve often heard the concept that
the cliff is rapidly getting closer, and we have only five years to drastically
turn things around before we start losing massive numbers. The
graph to the right shows that our membership in D9520 is not only in decline, but
the rate of decline is accelerating. I can assure you that it’s not easy to
look at as District Membership Chair.
So I would respectfully respond
to the claim that the essence of Rotary is at stake when we start talking about
fortnightly meetings with another question.
Are some things worth hanging on to at any cost? Even if it means a club handing in its charter in ten years?
Are some things worth hanging on to at any cost? Even if it means a club handing in its charter in ten years?
If our membership was surging
ahead as it is in most developing countries, I wouldn’t be looking to change a
thing. But it’s not. That gentle row down the stream might be but a dream now,
but the waterfall is coming and the longer we leave it, the more furiously we
will have to back-paddle.
I fully appreciate we’re not
talking about fine tuning when the topic of meeting frequency is on the agenda.
But there are a lot of round pegs out there with a lot to offer, who don't currently fit into our square holes. We simply must change the system so more can fit.
How about we at least
have the conversation?